Mezzanine T&Cs


A Minimum Order Value (MOV) will be enforced for all sales orders. In the states of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia, the MOV will be set at $350 while in South Australia and Tasmania, it will be $280. MOV is based on total invoice value, so includes WET, GST and CDS where applicable.

Starting 1 July 2024, any sales orders below the MOV will incur a surcharge of $15.00 inclusive of GST per order. However, the MOV requirement will be waived for backorders, items provided free of charge, or in cases where the sales order is created due to an error by the company.

Please contact your Sales Area Manager or National Customer Service if required.


Effective July 1, 2024, all sales orders containing a product order for less than a full case will be subject to a Split Case Charge (SCC) of $10.00 inclusive of GST per sales order.

The SCC will be waived under the following circumstances:

In cases where the sales order has incurred the MOV surcharge and contains an order for a product less than a full case, only the MOV surcharge will be applied, and the SCC will be waived.


Nett all purchases and freight – Payable by the 14th day of the month following the month of invoice. Payment to the company, without any right of set-off or for part payment, shall be made in cash with the Customer’s order. This is unless the Customer completes the company’s Application for Credit and the company approves that Application and any conditions relating to that approval are satisfied by the Customer. Whereupon such “Account Customers” can make full payment for all invoiced items in any manner stipulated by the company. Full terms and conditions of sale and supply of services apply as per the company’s Price List and as per the company’s Application for Credit forms. Payments shall be made payable to the company. Payments by cheque shall not be deemed made until the cheques have been cleared.


Notwithstanding the required arrangements for payment above, if, after ordering and being invoiced for the agreed prices for the goods and freight, an Account Customer wishes to pay by credit card, a separate service fee will be charged by the Company. Such service fee will have no bearing on the rights of customers in respect of claiming title in the goods whether customers pay for the goods in their own right. Such service fee will be separate from the contract for the sale of goods and from any contracted freight services and will not form any part of the LUC prices stated. Customers are not obliged to pay by credit card. As noted above the service fee is only chargeable if an Account Customer wishes to pay by credit card after ordering and being invoiced. Therefore if an Account Customer pays by credit card when ordering, no such service fee will be charged. The service fee for payments made by credit card (Visa and MasterCard) will be on charged as 1.5% or 3.0% (AMEX) of the amount invoiced. These percentages are subject to change from time to time at the Company’s dis-cretion. These service fees are to recover the average cost incurred by the Company in accepting payments by credit cards. These service fees comply with the Reserve Bank of Australia Surcharging Standard issued in March 2013.


All Goods will be at the Customer’s risk ex-warehouse. The company can arrange freight (including any addi-tional services) for the Customer unless declined by the Customer. If freight is declined, the Customer must make its own arrangements for delivery of Goods at its own cost. In order to recognise a claim for damage or loss during freight by the company’s arranged carriers, the company must be notified at the time of delivery. Claims of any other nature will not be accepted unless made within 24 hrs of delivery. The company reserves the right to refuse any claim.


The Customer agrees to notify the company in writing of any change to ownership of the Customer within 7 days of such change, and indemnifies the company against any loss or damage incurred by it as a result of the Customer’s failure to notify the company of any change. The company also reserves the right to withdraw the Customer’s approved credit status in relation to the sale of Goods, and all out-standing amounts will become immediately due and payable and future deliveries can only be made by payment of cash on delivery.


If the Customer fails to make any payment (whether for Goods or separately, for the provision of freight) by the due date, the company may, in addition to taking any other action: (a) charge interest on all overdue payments at two percent (2%) per month from the due date until the date of payment (or otherwise as allowed under the law), and (b) suspend all further delivery of Goods or further perfor-mance of any other contract with the Customer.


Discounts and deals must be arranged by your Mezzanine Area Manager. Mezzanine Customer Service representatives are not permitted to negotiate or authorise any discounts with accounts. The company provides only one kind of delivery service. This is an optional premium freight service designed to provide a minimum turnaround where customers require their goods to be delivered. Accordingly customers who require such services are advised that the respective freight price is comparable with other major independent provider’s rapid turnaround service prices. Prices for Goods and optional freight services are subject to alteration without notice. The wholesale price stated in the price list excludes Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) but includes a component for freight arranged by the company under a separate contract, unless the freight service is declined by the Customer. The LUC price includes amounts for the following separate charges: (i) goods and WET under a separate contract; and (ii) the freight service under another separate contract. All Goods and freight services (unless declined) are subject to GST. WET is calculated on the price of wine only unless exempt. Freight services will be arranged by the company under a separate contract (at the customer’s option) and be charged to the Customer’s account such costs are included in the LUC price unless declined by the customer, in which case no charge for freight services will apply. The freight service charge (excluding GST) is calculated for equalisation purposes at 12.2% of the LUC price plus GST unless otherwise agreed. Where the customer declines the freight service, the customer must advise the company beforehand so that arrangements can be made for reasonable access for the customer to pick up the goods at the company’s warehouse and/or offices. In these circumstances the freight service charge will not apply and will be deducted from the LUC price. Freight service charges above are calculated as a flat-rate ex-warehouse but only for minimum quantities of 5 cartons. Any fees payable in respect of overdue accounts and subsequent optional credit card arrangements are the subject of separate contracts and do not form any part of the consideration payable for goods and freight services within the LUC price. Any rebates (whether monthly, quarterly or annually) provided to customers under ongoing or special arrangements are totally referable to discounts on goods only notwithstanding how such rebates might be calculated. These rebates are not a discount on any freight services that might be required.


Property in goods sold by the company will not pass to the Customer until the earlier of:-Payment in full of the price of the goods inclusive of any GST (excluding any freight charge and other fees, where applicable); and sale by the Customer to a bona fide purchaser in the ordinary course of the Customer’s business. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that a continuing purchase money security interest is created by this retention of title provision granted by the Customer to the company, as the secured party, over the goods sold to the Customer. Where the Customer sells the goods to a bona fide purchaser in the ordinary course of Customer’s business the Customer acknowledges and agrees the continuing purchase money security interest extends to all and any proceeds of the goods and this continuing purchase money security interest attaches to the goods and all and any proceeds of the goods as at the date the Customer signs this Application for Credit Account. The Customer will continue to ensure the com-pany’s priority against any subsequent security interest and/or purchase money security interest over the goods and/or proceeds where the Customer is the grantor of that security interest. The above retention of title clause is subject to the following conditions:- i) The Customer, for the purposes of preserving the company’s interests, will on receipt of its goods ensure such goods are kept separate from that stock fully paid (the “other stock”) where the Customer has clear property or title in the goods; (ii) Such demarcation of stocks shall continue until the company’s stock has been fully paid for by the Customer; (iii) Subse-quently, the Customer can transfer goods separately held to the “other stock” when the goods are fully paid for; (iv) All “unpaid stock will not only be kept separate by the Customer from the “other stock”, but also sufficiently identified to enable the company to readily repossess such should the Customer not fulfil the terms for full payment within the required time; (v) In the event that the Customer defaults in the payment of any monies owing or an insolvency event occurs in respect of the Customer (meaning any step is taken for the liquidation or adminis-tration of the Customer or the appointment of a receiver, receiver and manager or other controller to any of the Cus-tomer’s assets), then the company and its employees or agents shall have the right to enter without notice, upon the Customer’s premises or any premises where the goods are known to be stored to repossess the goods and for this purpose, the Customer grants reasonable access rights to the company and its employees or agents shall be entitled to do all reasonable things necessary to secure re-posses-sion; (vi) In the event the company‘s goods are ordered and delivered to the Customer’s premises and then subse-quently mixed in with the “other stock”, or if the Goods are “used” (as interpreted under the tax law), the Customer will forfeit ownership in the “other stock” and title will revert back to the company for such stock until full payment is received by the company.


This clause will only apply to present or future goods sold by the company to the Customer which are in the possession or control of the Customer and in respect of which property has passed to the Customer (“the Customer’s goods”). The Customer grants a con-tinuing security interest in the Customer’s goods, and all and any proceeds thereof, to the company as the secured party, which attaches to the Customer’s goods in favour of the company with due and punctual payment by the Customer of all indebtedness (present or future, actual or contingent) of the Customer to the company... The Customer will continue to ensure the company’s priority against any subsequent security interest of any kind over the Customer’s goods and/or proceeds thereof where the Customer is the grantor of that security interest.


If Chapter 4 of the PPSA would otherwise apply to the enforcement of a security interest in connection with these Terms and Conditions of Trade, the Customer agrees that the following provisions of the PPSA will not apply: section 95 (notice of removal of accession), to the extent that it requires the company to give notice to the Customer, section 96 (when a person with an interest in the whole may retain an accession) subsection 121(4) (enforcement of liquid assets – notice to grantor); section 125 (obligation to dispose of or retain collateral); section 130 (notice of disposal), to the extent that it requires the company to give a notice to the Customer; paragraph 132(3)(d) (contents of statement of account after disposal); subsection 132(4) (statement of account if no disposal); section 135 (notice of retention) and section 143 (reinstatement of security agreement). Notices or documents required or permitted to be given to the company for the purposes of the PPSA must be given in accordance with the PPSA. The Customer consents to the company affecting a registration on the PPSA register in relation to any security interest in con-nection with these Terms and Conditions of Trade and the Customer agrees to provide all assistance reasonably required to facilitate this. The Customer waives the right to receive notice of a verification statement in relation to any registration on the register. In these Terms and Conditions of Trade, the following words have the respective meanings given to them in the PPSA: account, proceeds, purchase money, register, registration, security interest and verifica-tion statement.


All Goods (including bonus Goods) provided in samples, tastings or exhibitions or in promotional campaigns (hereaf-ter referred to as ‘promotionals’) in any form directly or indi-rectly to Customers for their own use or as giveaways or own sale are sold in conjunction with product invoiced, notwith-standing any reference to or otherwise in Customer orders. The cost of promotionals, unless otherwise agreed, shall be included in the selling price of any Goods invoiced. Invoices for specified orders shall be issued by the company showing a composite price for the products, including the cost of any promotionals provided. There is no requirement to itemise separately the amount for the promotionals, nor make any specific reference in invoices or in any other documents. All promotionals provided may be supplied in any form at the discretion of the company or in any specific agree-ment with the Customer. Such promotional goods may be disposed of by sampling, tasting, exhibitions or as otherwise agreed and includes those promotionals used on behalf of the Customer by the company. The cost of promotion-als shall be recovered in the price of other goods sold and invoiced on an equalisation basis, notwithstanding variation in actual physical provision, and they shall still be regarded as being sold to the Customers, even if not fully recovered in the specific invoice price. The promotionals can be provided at any time, not necessarily at the time of the invoice of other goods and the company reserves the right to recover stocks of such from the Customer’s premises if amounts owed are unpaid within the specified time.


Irrespective of any terms and conditions in the Customer’s order form, or irrespective of the Customer not reading the Terms and Conditions of Trade, acceptance (by retaining the Goods or any other method) of the Goods ordered by the Customer will be conclusive acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Trade contained herein. These Terms and Conditions of Trade may only be changed either by a written agreement signed by both the Customer and the company or by the company noting an amendment to these Terms and Conditions of Trade on the company’s website or in the company’s updated price lists. Any failure by the company to insist on strict compliance with any term of these Terms and Conditions of Trade or any delay by the company in exercising its rights under these Terms and Conditions of Trade will not constitute a variation or waiver of any term of these Terms and Conditions of Trade or any right avail-able to the company. These Terms and Conditions of Trade will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the State of Victoria, Australia and the company and the Customer submit to the exclusive jurisdic-tion of the courts of that State.